Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Gray Area Plaques

Process Documentation of creating over 300 donor plaques for Gray Area Art&Technology.I measured the dimensions of the plaques, designed them according to the directors desires and took into account cost and location elements.

Sunday, May 3, 2015


Your hands have scars

They prickle and bite
They think you tear until you’re white
But No. Your skin is so beautiful and bright
With power that can win a fight
You can pierce anyone not worth your time
You have gone through so much
And can see through those who 
Call themselves right

I’m proud of you sis,
You are my light.

Saturday, April 25, 2015


Live well; Work Healthy
~Utopian Entrepreneur, Brenda Laurel~


//Photoshoot Detour//

I was working on a photoshoot for the senior recital of a talented friend and came across a wounded hummingbird. I am fascinated by these gorgeous creatures and always try to track them by eye. This bird was still and I could finally take in all os her lovely detail. I found myself taking a photo and then realized how wrong it was to be taking a photo and enjoying the beauty of a dying bird :( I scooped her up with my friend and placed her in the shade with water and flowers nearby. Life is so short!
